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Thursday, October 2, 2014

'Not now, I'm not ready'

For us Muslims, we should take a lesson from the deaths of people, especially young people, and realise that at some point death will also come upon us - not when we are ready for it, but when it has been decreed for us. Many people today focus on how to live longer and how to enjoy their lives to the fullest, but they neglect correcting their own selves until it is too late. At the time the Angel of Death comes to any one of us, we certainly will not be able to say, "Not now, I'm not ready."

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Making the Most of the Blessed Days of Dhul-Hijjah

Four Things to Do on the Blessed 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Allah the Most High & Exalted says: “By the Dawn; By the ten nights” [Surah Al-Fajr:1-2]

This oath substantiates the greatness and sacredness of these ten nights in the eyes of Allah. This is an extraordinary oath; it is very significant and the wise men can understand that by this oath, Allah too attaches great importance and value to the ten nights of Dhul Hijjah. By taking full opportunity of this verse's great message to serve our Lord near to perfection in these 10 days, one can be sure of Allah's promise to attain forgiveness and a great status in this world and the best in Paradise.

MODESTY - The Start-off to Paradise

Muslim Modesty 

If you do not mind that the whole world can see your pics, then your Hayaa (modesty) is not functioning properly my dear Sister.. !!

When will you take out those pics Sisters??