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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Carry a pocket-size Qur'an always

Most of us don't realize the value of each second that slips away from our life, which could be consciously used for Qur'an. Either through reading, reflecting or teaching our kids or friends. There are so many instances daily in our lives where we willingly or unwillingly have to just be doing nothing. Those are the golden offers of time that our Merciful Lord gives us and we lose it all as zero credits into our Aakhira. Below is an experience of a Brother who has learnt a precious lesson from it.

Since last night my young son has been unwell. When I got back from work this evening I decided to take him to hospital despite my exhaustion. There were many waiting; perhaps we will be delayed by more than an hour. I took my number and sat down in the waiting room. There were many faces, young and old, but all silent. Some brothers! made use of the many booklets available in the waiting room. Some of those waiting had their eyes closed, while others were looking around. Most were bored. Once in a while the long silence was broken by a nurse calling out a number. Happiness appears on the one whose turn it is, and he gets up quickly; then silence returns.

A young man grabbed my attention. He was reading a pocket-sized Qur'an continuously; not raising his head even once. At first I did not think much about him. However, after one hour of waiting my casual glances turned into a deep reflection about his lifestyle and how he utilizes his time. One hour of life wasted! Instead of making benefit of that hour, it was just a boring wait.

Then the call for prayer was made. We went to prayer in the hospital’s mosque. I tried to pray close to the man who was reading the Qur'an earlier in the waiting room. After the prayer I walked with him.

I informed him of how impressed I was of him and how he tries to benefit from his time.

He told me that most of our time is wasted without any benefit. These are days that go from our lives without being conscious of them or regretting their waste. He said that he started carrying the pocket-sized Qur'an around when a friend encouraged him to make full use of his time. He told me that in the time other people waste he gets to read much more of the Qur'an than he gets to read either at home or in the mosque. Moreover, besides the reward of reading the Qur'an, this habit saves him from boredom and stress.

He added that he has now been waiting for one and a half hours. Then he asked, when will you find one and a half hours to read the Qur'an?

I reflected; How much time do we waste? How many moments of our lives pass by, and yet we do not account for how they passed by?

Indeed, how many months pass by and we do not read the Qur'an?

I came to respect my companion, and I discovered that I am to stand for account and that time is not in my hand; so what am I waiting for? My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse calling out my number; I went to the doctor. But I want to achieve something now. After I left the hospital I quickly went to the bookshop and bought a pocket-sized Qur'an. I decided to be mindful of how I spend the time.

Nowadays, since all of us have smart phones, one may even download Qur'an apps. Besides a Qur'an app, I have installed in my phone a Qur'an Tafseer of my choice (Ibn Katheer), Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Stories of the Prophet's Companions, and other Islamic apps. If we really want to install apps into our phones, preference should be for Islamic ones. It's such a blessing when we are out and there are times we have to be sitting for a period of time, or it is even so much useful while laying in the bed, that we can read from our phones or any other free time when we are ready to spent hours and hours playing with it uselessly.

May Allah make us more keen to learn our Deen better and use our free time to know more about this blessing to us from Allah, Ameen!

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